Wednesday, April 8, 2015

NF DAM Digital Art Meme




ulla laiho said...

The pictures are gorgeous - all are equally beautiful.

Annemor said...

WOW. I'm stunned.
Have a nice day.

Jutta.K. said...

Dear Andrea,
thank you for your visit to my blog and the nice comment
Your edits are very well done, they look like watercolors !
And thanks for the tip, I have now also set a google Translater ;-)
♥ly greetings from germany

Elephant's Child said...

Oh my. How very, very beautiful.

NatureFootstep said...

today I can´t say I have a favorite. Love them all. Maybe they should be a group put on a wall just as in your post :)

Lmkazmierczak said...

Beautiful original and I love the slight edits♪

abrianna said...

Love the deep colors in these edits.

Jeanne said...

always think it is so amazing the different effects that you can get with digital processing. Isn't it so fun. Your original shot is gorgeous though! Happy Thursday!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Enchanting lighting in all photos. Like glimpses of dream worlds.

Edna B said...

Your digi images are wonderful, but I love the original best. I enjoy seeing all the different birds that visit and live in your area. Especially the eagles. I don't think we have any around here. As for that big old tree, I would be sad too to see it taken down. Imagine how many generations it has given shade to.

Yesterday, Pogo and I finally got to have lunch in the park. The weather was just beautiful, and once we got back home and inside the house, the rain came. Perfect timing. Today is cloudy and damp, but after tomorrow's rain we should be looking at almost a whole week of Spring temps and sunshine.

I'm watching a discussion about the pros and cons of the new Apple watch on TV. I, for one, have no desire to have this new toy. For one thing, it's just too small for me to want to do things on it. These old eyes do pretty good, but they like things a bit bigger to look at. Plus there is the high cost of it, and the short battery life. I think I'll pass on this toy.

Well, it's time for me to start getting ready to go for my appointment with the orthopedic doctor. It's just a routine check up, thank you. Pogo is starting to be good about staying home alone for up to about three hours now, so that makes it easier for me to keep my appointments and not need a sitter.

Andrea, you have a super day. I hope the Spring weather is starting in your area too. Woofs to Izzi from Pogo, hugs, Edna B.

EG CameraGirl said...

Gorgeous! I LOVE the yellows!

Ida said...

The original is stunning but I do like the other versions very much. Hope your appt. went well.

Prairie Jill said...

WOW!!!! I love all of these. They should be printed and hung on your wall. (Or on mine!!)

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