Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Wild Bird Wednesday
Wood Ducks
Alas, Mr. and Mrs. Wood Duck made it to my ground feeders. I have seen them in the trees, but they are very shy and leave as soon as they see me in the yard. This time, though, I took the pictures through my (dirty) window and they even came up to the feeder by the house. I just love this pair. He, however, doesn't stick around. I will see her all summer in the channel with a string of babies behind her, but he is nowhere to be seen. Where do those bad boys go, I wonder ...
Here they are joined bu Mr. and Mrs. Mallard who come to my feeders daily and don't seem to mind if I am in the yard unless I start moving toward them.
Apparently there was little left at either site, so they meandered back to the lake and flew away. I hope they come back ... I think they are so beautiful.
One morning last week when I went out to fill my feeders, I was greeted by this huge flock of Tree Swallows. I assume they were migrating back to their homes up north or even a few that stay around here. We have mainly Barn Swallows on the lake and I have seen a few of them skimming the lake in search of insects ... sadly it has been to cold and there few insects to feed them. But they will survive and build their nests in the canopies of the boat lifts, as they do every year.
Happy WBW ...
NF Trees and Bushes
I passed this tree while walking in the forest preserve. I only had time to snap a picture of the trunk before I needed to catch up with my partner. I thought it was beautiful with the patches of lichen and I also thought it was cool the way it blended in with the background. As near as I can guess this is a Virginia Pine Tree trunk ... if there are any arborists out there, I'm open to correction.
I gave this version a little more texture so that those of you who like to look for faces in the bark can pick them out more easily ... it is loaded with faces and animals. So, what do you see? I actually see President Nixon ... can you find him?
Monday, April 27, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Friday, April 24, 2015
Being Izzi
Ohios Agains ...
The sames but differents
I heards the peoples talkings about going to Ohios, but my Moms said, Auntie D isn't going to be able to gos. Well, I thoughts, we won'ts be goings withouts Auntie D, but then my Moms says, Amys Jo and Moyas are going to gives us a rides. Oh boy, I thoughts to myselfs, but then I thoughts ... Do I know Amys Jo and Moyas? I knows they aren't in my class so to be honest, I was a little nervous about ridings with strangers. You knows how Aussies feel abouts strangers ... oh my!
Well, guess whats ... I know Moyas and Amys Jo from my trials so they aren't strangers. That is very goods and another very goods thing was I gots to sits in the back seats with Moyas, nots in a crate.
Amys Jo
So lots abouts this trips is the sames as befores so I will trys not to repeats myselfs. I will trys to hits the highlights and then the things that is differents. So for starters we packs ups and leaves and we is drivings alongs just fines. Fines enoughs for me and Moyas to falls asleeps ... then all of a suddens we is thrown arounds in the backs seats (thanks goodness for our seats belts) and then I hear Amys Jo say words that my Moms only says when shes mads ... Moms said someones cuts in fronts of us and Amys Jo hads to hits the brakes ... Don't knows what that means, but I am hopins it doesn't happens agains.
So whens we gets to Ohios everythings is the sames ... sames towns, sames motels, sames beds and sames that the peoples go to dinners and leaves us in our rooms. I is thinkings I woulds likes to go to dinners too, but then Moms comes homes with some goods left overs for mes. Thanks Moms ...
Grilled Pickles ... Reallys?
Next mornings we wents to the sames FairGrounds ... I know its the sames because they has a pigs that doesn't stinks.
Lots of my friends were theres ... this is Bailys. Bailys is always smilings ... I like Bailys and shes in my class mosts of the times.
Then the games begins. Moyas and mes is first so then ...
We gets to sits in our front rows seats to watch everybodys else ...
Jades(L above)and her brothers
(not shown) reminds me of my
friends in Wisconsins and Hollys(R above)
is my Buddy from Skills class.
She Yakity Yaks at Jims and Jims
doesn't likes it.
Magicks, well, her name says it alls ...
After the games we wents to the sames parks agains and my friends all wents swimmings agains.
And, they were reallys wets ...
We returned to our homes aways from homes ...
Looks how Amys Jo parks the cars ... even I knews that was funnys ... we all laughs at hers, Ha!
I don't runs weavers so I watches Moyas ...
OOOh ... I hads to close my eyes. Moyas wents one ways and Amys Jo wents anothers. Nots goods ...
Even Moyas knew to lay lows for awhiles :)
The games on Sundays wents well and whiles the rest of us is strugglings to finds a comfortable spots ... Jacks is livins the lifes of luxurys. That Rogers knows hows to treats a dogs :)
At the ends of the days everyones gathereds for a groups photos ... Did I say everyones?
It occurs to mes that we all comes all this ways. we all eats, drinks and bes marrys togethers. We all plays our agilitys game togethers. But when we is called for the groups pictures, we alls are not inviteds. Does that sounds rights to yous? So I mades my owns groups pictures for my friends in agilities ...
It was a longs wonderfuls weekends, but I has to admits ... Moyas and I was tireds!
The Ends
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