Friday, January 23, 2015

Weekend Reflection

Another cloudy gray day and yet the lights seem to shine through in this reflection ... Hope there is some light in your life this week and every week ...



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrea Very interesting reflection.Have a lovely weekend

TexWisGirl said...

very colorful!

Sylvia K said...

Great reflection for the day -- as always, Andrea!! Hope you have a beautiful weekend!!

Elephant's Child said...

So very pretty. Light, love and laughter to you. This weekend - and every weekend.

Fun60 said...

A very warm reflection for these dull wintry days.

The Queen Jester said...

Nice colors - I like the muted affect they have.

Edna B said...

What a great reflection photo! I love the soft warm colors. I also love the pix of kitty. Those are fun shots, especially the second one. Well, it's been snowing all morning here. More than four inches already. Will be turning to rain, then later back to snow. Just what we're needing, a layer of ice under more snow. We no sooner get the driveway cleared, then the town plows come by and push it all back in our yard. And not just one plow, there are three of them, one behind the other. I guess that's the new way of plowing.

Ah well, we can't change it, so I guess we just make the best of it and take photos. haha. I hope your kids are home soon. You and Izzi have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

molly said...

Nicely done, looks like the warmth from inside is reaching to the outside


James said...

Cool reflection! The lights inside seem to be hanging from the reflected clouds.

NatureFootstep said...

that´s a nice blending of reflections and reality :) Too much Photoshop in my ehad :)

Stewart M said...

Nice to find these types of reflection.

Things should start to calm down a bit here - what with work deadlines and school and summer holidays all sorted - normal service will resume soon! First I have to catch up on comments and visits!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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