Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

Woodpeckers at my suet feeder ...

Mr. Red-bellied

Mr. Hairy ...

Mrs. Downy

On occasion, I have a Flicker, but have not been able to catch him at the feeder this year.
Have a wonderful Week and Stay warm for those of you who need to and keep cool for the rest of you:)



TexWisGirl said...

cool that you get hairies, too!

eileeninmd said...

I just love all the woodpeckers! They are great visitors to to your yard and feeders.. Wonderful photos, Andrea!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Wonderful shots of the Woodpeckers

sunshine said...

Cute woodpeckers.

biebkriebels said...

Great photo's of Mr. Woody Woodpecker!

Edna B said...

What great photos of the woodpeckers. We have these in our yard too, although I haven't seen any the past couple of days. Hopefully, they have a nest full of birdseed to snuggle in and ride out this storm.

Speaking of the storm, It's 5 pm and it is still snowing and the wind is still blowing. Joe was out shoveling and snowblowing most of yesterday, last night and today, pus the snow plow came in twice to clean us out and will be back tomorrow for the last time (hopefully).

We still have our power so all is good here. Pogo might like to go out to see what the snow is like, but we already had more than 2 feet, so I think he needs to wait for another day. lol. Well it's time to make some supper. Woofs to Izzi and hugs for you, Edna B.

Elephant's Child said...

OOOOH. They are SUCH an exotic treat for me. Thank you.

The Queen Jester said...

Woodpeckers are so cool, how neat that you have the full variety.

A Colorful World said...

Great photos!

Stewart M said...

Great looking birds - very jealous.

I think that there are better ways to get to Australia these days than petty crime!

The issues faced by Aboriginal Australians are great - in many places they have far poorer educational and health outcomes than other Australians - I really don't know what the solution is.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

MTWaggin said...

Love the red belly and I too am enjoying the woodpeckers, nuthatches and flicker at my feeders. They are quite the acrobats and I have noticed that mine don't eat the suet unless it is really cold - they do however love the tube feeders with the sunflower chips.

Unknown said...

So cute! I love woodpeckers.

thewovenspoke said...

Great bunch of woodpecker photos.

marsha said...

Fabulous photos..we get all of these too but rarely manage to get any photos...

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