Thursday, January 22, 2015

Good Fences

Surprise ... a Fence!
This is on an empty lot down by the channel where Izzi and I walk almost every day.  She is not allowed to go on this lot because it has always been full of sky high weeds and ticks!  Yes, ticks ... which is not a good thing.  But this day when we walked down, someone had whacked all of the weeds and to my surprise, there is a fence ... and not a bad looking fence either.  I hope this means someone is going to build on this lot.  It is a beautiful place with a wonderful view ... any interest? :)

Have a wonderful day!



TexWisGirl said...

glad the fence still looks good under there! :)

Sylvia K said...

Wow! That is a TALL fence!! Great shot for the day, Andrea!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!!

Unknown said...

Yes, I'm verys interested in more from that place :)
And that fence sure looks nice :))
Have a fine day

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Now you need to send a photograph of the view if I wanted to buy it. Certainly not a bad fence.

Edna B said...

If it weren't so darn cold there, I could be tempted to have a look at that lot. I would love a view of the lake from my porch. I have a fence like that one, although mine isn't so gray yet. As for your "cat and clutter" photo, it's good to know I'm not alone in my comfy clutter club. I like to have things close to an area that I use frequently. Meds, doggie stuff, saran wrap, soap, select seasonings, bread, etc.

Now I'm off to do a couple of needed errands so that I'm ready before the snow and rain moves in. I hope your kids are okay, and able to travel home soon. You and Izzi have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

Elephant's Child said...

Ticks is a very, very bad thing. For man and for beast. Hard to see what use they have. Love the fence though.

eileeninmd said...

Those ticks can be awful, it is best to keep the dogs out of the high weeds.. Great fence find! Have a great evening!

21 Wits said...

A pleasant Good fence kind of surprise!

Jeanne said...

Great looking fence Andrea, and have to say it looks VERY COLD. i for one am ready for spring.... Hoping it is coming soon!

Carola Bartz said...

This is quite a tall fence, and not bad looking at all. The weeds must have been huge if you hadn't seen the fence before.

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