Saturday, May 24, 2014

Camera Critters

Just passing through ...

Also Linked to Saturday Critters 


Elephant's Child said...

Just passing through - at apeed. Wonderful catch - thank you.

TexWisGirl said...

what a cutie!

Roan said...

He sure is on the move. Great caption.

Unknown said...


Stewart M said...

Nice little chap! We had a brand of potato chips called Chipmunk when I was a kid - I have no idea why, there are no chipmunks in the UK!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

biebkriebels said...

Well captured in his run.

Anonymous said...

They are everywhere this year! With no one to "hunt" them in my backyard, they stroll up and down the sidewalks. Stella just watches them with an amused expression. I think they may be her friends.

Edna B said...

I love your little chipmunk. We have a few families of them in our yard, and spend much enjoyable time watching their antics. They mingle and get along with all the birds and squirrels. We always make sure there is extra food on the ground for them.

Well now I want to spend a little time with Pogo before it is nap time. It's back to work tonight. My friend at work picked up my hours next weekend so that I can have the whole weekend off. Hopefully the weather will be nice, and maybe we can have a cookout. Hmmm, something to look forward to. You have a wonderful day. Licks to Izzi from Pogo. Hugs, Edna B.

eileeninmd said...

Cute action shot, I wish the squirrels here were just passing thru.. Thank you for sharing your post on Saturday's Critters.. Have a happy day!

Ida said...

Awww...that a cutie.

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