Saturday, May 3, 2014

Camera Critters

I frequently visit our local pet shop to get supplies and I also frequently find interesting things going on there.   On this day the pet shop had boarded a pair of Bearded Dragons and their "parents" had come to pick them up.  Before they left, the lady at the pet shop cut their nails.  

The little boy was up first and he was very tolerant of it all ...

 The Mrs, however, was not so happy about it ... she was the feistier of the two ...
You Go Girl!

Also linked to Saturdays Critters


Sylvia K said...

Fun, different captures for the day!!!

Lynn said...

they are quite incredibly beautiful, very nice shots, our dog and 1 cat are like the Mrs while the other 3 cats are like the Mister...

TexWisGirl said...

so very cute!! with attitude!

Unknown said...

Beautiful critters! Cutting nails on small critters isn't always easy.

Elephant's Child said...

Brilliant. I will forward this to a friend who recently acquired (and LOVES) a bearded dragon.

Adam Jones said...

What a super animal

Karen said...

Sweet shots! I have a pet Bearded Dragon, and he hates getting his toenails cut!

eileeninmd said...

I would think the Mrs would like having her nails done.. Cute photos. Thanks for linking up your post with my critter party.. Have a happy weekend!

Stephanie said...

Wow, great close ups!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Wow! Fantastic shots.

Anni said..., thanks for sharing this intimate time....intimate, meaning...such close up images!!
They're actually quite dazzling.

Glad you enjoyed my brown booby adventure this weekend.

Have a Happy Week ahead.

Suzan said...

Interesting creatures!! Kinda pretty too!

Edna B said...

What beautiful dragons! You always seem to be in the right place at the right time to get these fabulous photos. I'll have to tell my daughter to come and see them. She loves these critters.

Has any of the better weather made it to your area yet? We are having a mixed bag of temps and weather. We'll probably just go right into Summer and have to forego the better part of Spring. Little by little we are getting some of the plants into the ground. Now if it would just warm up enough to sit out in the yard for a while that would be nice. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Anonymous said...

I like Bearded Dragons. They are clever little critters!

The Queen Jester said...

Very unusual - never thought about taking care of something like this, much less clipping nails. They should call them "beaded" dragons as they look as if they were created from embellishments.

Ida said...

Bearded Dragons are just so cool. They get them in from time to time at a local pet store. I find them fascinating. Loved seeing your photos of this pair.

TheChieftess said...

They're so ugly I guess they're cute!!!

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