Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saturday's Critters

Good Morning Everyone ... I apologize for not writing comments for the last few days.  I am busy helping my friend with her Garage Sale ... hope to have some pictures when we are done, but in the meantime ...  Enjoy your weekend !

Also linked to:

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

More shots taken at the State Park.  This is the Great Blue Heron in flight ...

I assume he got to where he was going, though , for some reason I failed to catch him landing (I don't remember why, but I assume I was distracted by something or someone :)  These birds are magnificent.  We used to have a rookery on one of the channels, but it was blown down in a storm two summers ago and I haven't been able to locate where they are nesting now.   The rookeries are fun ... there are Herons, Egrets and cormorants all nesting in the tops of a group of tree.  I do hope I am able to find the new one.  Have a wonderful WBW everyone ...

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day ...

If they can fight for us, we can VOTE to protect the freedoms they faught for ... Don't ignore the Midterm Elections.  The outcome of this Midterm Election will surely effect your daily life ... Like being free?  Vote!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Smile it's the Weekend

Badger Boo's Daft Adventures< /div>

Things is changing arounds here, Badger Boos.  My Aunts moved upstairs from the apartsment and my Dads had to moves his office intos the "Birds Room".  I calls it the "Birds Room" because that's where my Mom keeps her birds when she is babysittings them.  Wells, todays I comes upstairs and the doors is closed.  Whats?  How cans you closes me outs of your office, Dads?  So I scratched on the doors (my ways of knockings) and he says to mes ... Sorrys Izzi, you can'ts comes in.  So I decideds to looks into this (very disgusted looks).  Turns outs there's a bird in the office ... 

So I guess I knows whos importants in this house ...

As I sits and waits my turns to plays with my Dads ... Hope your week is betters than mines, Badger Boos ...

Mandarin Orange Monmday

The is Memorial Day Weekend in the US and we are all pausing in our busy lives to say Thank You to those who serve, to those who no longer serve but are still with us and, especially, to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice.  If we could achieve Peace, we wouldn't have to keep adding names to the list of men and women who have given their lives so we could be free.  This is my prayer ... Peace.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Weekend Reflection

An interesting fact popped into my head when I saw this ... an imprinted owl wouldn't recognize himself in a mirror.  He would expect to look like a human, which is why his behavoir would make him a danger to be released ... just sayin'  :)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Good Fences

I love this old stone fence.  I have passed it for years going back and forth to pick up my Granddaughter and also passing it going back and forth to one of my Home Health patients.  This time I was on my way to my Granddaughter's Graduation.   So the stone fence was my focus , but, as I look at it, there are a total of four different fences in this picture, including one that I caught in my rear view mirror (my son was driving, of course, or I wouldn't have been taking pictures:)  (60 MPH, McGuffy :)(click to enlarge)
Happy Thursday Everyone ...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

This little Robin has quite a dilemma ... 

She has gathered a beak full of pine needles for her nest but ...

she can't take them to her nest because there are "humans" watching her ... (me with my camera and my friend who owns the pine tree and the house the Robin is on).

So she wonders back and forth on the roof, waiting for us to leave ...

So she won't disclose the location of her nest ...
We did finally leave and to this day, we don't know where her nest is ... She is a good Mom!

Our World Tuesday

Rites of Passage
We probably all know someone who is graduating this Spring, but it is only on occasion that the "someone" is special to you.  This weekend I watched my Granddaughter graduate from High School.  It was a joyous moment and we are all thrilled for her.  She has worked hard and done well.  She is a good student, an exciting gymnast and has grown into a beautiful and responsible young lady ...

After the Pomp and Circumstance, we were able to meet "the boyfriend".  Oh, to be young again :)  They are just darling together and we so enjoyed him.  He was bright, funny and had delightful manners.   One can never be sure of what this relationship will become, but we think he is awesome and could look forward to him being part of the family.

Of course, Dad was the proudest of all ... and he, too, approved of the boyfriend.  Amazing, huh?

Her high school years are over and the transition begins now ... college, work, responsibility,  hopefully mixed with fun, laughter and satisfaction.  We wish her the very best in life and I trust that she will do well.  She has much to look forward to, as our lives are what we make of them and she has shown us that she has it right!
Off on a new journey ...
Congratulations, Hayley!

Monday, May 19, 2014

NF Inspiring Photography

Bright Morning Sun Reflecting off of my window ...original

edited ...

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Our Earth, she is so beautiful and wondrous.  So full of the miracles of life ... and yet, she suffers at the hands of a cancer.  A cancer that has no respect and is impossible to eradicate ... except, perhaps, by it's own hand.  We are the custodians and we are failing. Will we be our own worst enemy?  We have it in us to be synergistic ... to live along side of all life, to join forces with nature to nurture our home, our earth.  So why then ... ?

Today's song is Jack Johnson - Upside Down  Join Kathy on Song-ography and see how others have interpreted the lyrics.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Weekend Reflections

Another Botanical Gardens picture.  This was a display of glass items with a mirror as a backdrop ... of course REFLECTION, REFLECTION ... I couldn't pass it up.  I will warn you that I have enough reflections from this show alone to last the rest of the year.  The good news is ... I will spread them out and use other kinds of reflections in between so you won't get bored with them. :)  Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Good Fences

This fence is the guardian of two beautiful Thoroughbred fowls and their Moms ... Among the many reasons I love Spring ... New Life!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

NatureFootstep Abstract

Technological Clutter

One Stands Alone ...

Burn Out ...
You are perfectly welcome to see whatever you see in an abstract ... my titles are simply to give you an idea of what I was seeing when I created them:)  Enjoy your week :)

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...