Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

I have several pair of Mourning Doves that come to my feeders year round.  They love the safflower that I put in the ground feeders, but in the winter ...

they spend a lot of their time on my bird bath ... I assume because it is heated so there is warmth to be found.

Sometimes they just sit in the warm water.  Not necessarily taking a bath, just getting warm.

And then time for a short snooze ...

But not for long ... one must remain vigilant.  It is well known that Mrs. Coopers Hawk is a frequent visitor.
Happy Wild Bird Wednesday!


HansHB said...

A great serie of photos of these doves.
Well done!

Dave said...

Blimey, no wonder they come to the birdbath, that's bird luxury.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Very sweet and peaceful images of the doves!

Unknown said...

Lovely photos of these beautiful birds.

HansHB said...

Answer to your question:
They are taged for research.
But, from next year the State will not tag newborn eagles in this area.

Karen said...

Oh what lovely shots of the doves! We have a few Cooper's around here as well.

eileeninmd said...

The doves are so cute, wonderful captures. Have a happy week ahead!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Are they not just some of the sweetest birds ever. I feel bad that many are taken by cats and hawks~

NatureFootstep said...

I don´t think I have seen Mourning doves. You got great images of them.

mick said...

Great photos of the doves - they look very contented around your bird bath.

betty-NZ said...

What an amusing couple! I love them.

Elephant's Child said...

Such a treat. Megathanks.

Brian King said...

These are gorgeous! Doves make great photo subjects. We've had some Cooper's hawks hanging around here, too.

Stewart M said...

Heated garden bird spa! What luxury.

Glad you like liked the pig post - it was not my birthday - but it was good fun none the less!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Edna B said...

We have a few them of the mourning doves in our yard too. They are such graceful, quiet, beautiful birds. These are wonderful photos, Andrea. I hope your birds survive the hawks. I haven't seen any hawks around here. But then, I'm not always outside looking either. Now I must see about making some breakfast and get busy with my own blog. You have a fabulous day, hugs, Edna B.

Jeanne said...

Love these doves. We always have tons of them in our yard and love the cooing. Yours look a bit chilly! Hope that you have a wonderful Christmas Andrea!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

To set you all at ease ... Mrs. Coopers Hawk is not always a successful hunter at my feeders. She is persistent though so I am assuming that she does have some measure of success. I will give her that as she needs to eat and culling is one of her important jobs. Have an exciting week ... enjoy the weather :)

Anonymous said...

The doves are so sweet. Unfortunately, the hawks sit on my fence pretty often as they pass through the area. I don't fault them, though.

Adam Tilt said...

Lovely birds. Always had a soft spot for Doves and these are right on the money.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HiAndrea. older full series of shots of this lovely bird.

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