Monday, December 9, 2013

Our World Tuesday

Fiber Art Show at
the Chicago Botanical Gardens

 If you ever come to Chicago, you really should try to take in the Chicago Botanical Gardens.
They usually have a special event going on ... some seasonal, some year round and the gardens themselves are breathtaking.  I promised this post a while back.  Sorry it took me so long, but now that it is here ... Enjoy

I have tried to show detail on some of the work so you can see what it entails ... 

And then, of course, there was the shopping :)

We left after spending way too much (bought some great Christmas presents) only to be greeted by yet another great artist ... Mother Nature :)
Be Well ...


Elephant's Child said...

Wow, wow and wow. I have done some patchwork and my mother made bobbin lace so I know just how much work is involved.
And yes, nature's display is always right up there with the best of the best.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

hi Andrea. Whay a spectacular display of talent. I am glad I do not have to judge it and that would be very difficult. it is wonderful. thanks for sharing and it was worth waiting for.

Penelope Notes said...

What a spectacular show of quilts and artful patterns! I think the urge to create is irrepressible and healing in humans.

Anonymous said...

Wow! So much creativity in one place ~ and great for Xmas gifts ~ and Love Mother Nature ~ Beautiful photography ~ thanks, carol, xxx

Sylvia K said...

What a terrific tour and such lovely quilts!! Thanks for sharing!! That last pic is awesome!! What a view!!! Hope you have a great week, Andrea!!

Arija said...

Wonderful post! Loved the quilt you featured on your thumbnail and what a lovely way to heal yourself by mourning to gather while making the bereavement quilt. There is so much work in this exhibition, it makes my head spin. I also liked the Australian Aboriginal art inspired quilt with snakes and lizards and dots but then there are soooo many things here that I likes. Thank you for the show and the wonders of mother nature as well.

The Queen Jester said...

Oh what a treat to see all the fiber art! Total eye candy. I've been off the blog for the last few days due to this stupid head cold, but trying to get caught up again.

Adventures as a Small Town Mom said...

Absolutely beautiful quilts! I've never been to the Chicago Botanical Gardens - I'll have to plan a day trip in the near future!

Adventures as a Small Town Mom said...

What beautiful quilts! I've never been to the Chicago Botanical Gardens - I'll have to plan a day trip in the near future.

Stewart M said...

I love the last two words of this post. Health is such a thing to have.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne.

PS: I am shocked at how much H (my son!) has grown!

Edna B said...

Wowser, Andrea! I've seen some beautiful quilts in my day, but these are absolutely awesome!! I cannot imagine the work and hours put into some of these patterns. The creativity here is stunning. I'm so glad you showed some close-ups. The detail work is amazing. This post was definitely worth waiting for. Thank you my friend. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Cynthia said...

Wow! What talent represented there! I love so many of the pieces, but the wedding ring quilt is really fascinating. It looks like it is backlit! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I love quilts; my Granny used to make them. I grew up in Chicago, lived here most of my life, but have never been to the Gardens. I know you go occasionally. It looks like you had a very nice time.

Andrea said...

Hello Andrea from Andrea! This sounds funny but i love talking to someone with my name too. That is a lovely exhibit, and i love getting those shawls.

Re: your comment in my site. Hedychium coronarium is a tropical plant, i haven't checked of the temperature ranges it can survive. I guess you just need a greenhouse, many friend bloggers maintain lovely growths of tropical plants there. Someone in Alberta, Canada and a friend in London raise wonderful tropical plants, i am sure this will grow in yours too. Maybe you can google for it and you will see a lot of information. White ginger oil is also available in many countries, i assure you it is lovely and very pleasant.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...