Friday, December 6, 2013

States Park

States Park ... I know what a States Park is :)
(as narrated by Izzi)

My Mom takes me to the States Park at home all  the times, so when she said we is going to the States Park, I am thinking, okay ... we is going home!  But, it was nots to be ... we did go to a States Park, but it was a new ones.   This ones I really likes because  ... Looks how bootiful it is ...

The best part though ... this parks is Dogs Friendly ...

They even has a Doggie Beach ...

My friends were very excited to gos swimming ...

Buts, I had serious business to attends to ... This was a giants Doggie Newspaper and I was goings to reads it all.  There were hundreds of new smells I could learns and I couldn'ts wait!

Now, where dos I want to starts ... over heres?

Or over this ways ...

Aaaaaah ...  sees the base of that tree and the edge of those woods ... my nose is aquivers!

But waits ... what's this?  Three wheeled huumans comins right ats me!

Oh Nos!  Quicks ... runs across the bridge ............. 

 Sees, even the Goosys is swimmins away. 

And the squirrels runs up the tree ... squirrels?  That's a funny looking squirrels ... how comes he's reds ?

Phew ... Now we is safe so we gos to sees the waterfalls ... nice, huh? 

Oh Goods, I can gets some sniffins in over here ...

OMGs ... a giants birds!   MOMs ... I is readys to go homes ...

Goodbyes States Park ...


Elephant's Child said...

'Wow. I hope you are safe and well wherever you are.

Sandee said...

Your mom is very good to you. I think it's great that she took you to a new park.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. :)

Edna B said...

What a gorgeous state park! My little guy would probably love to run free there too. Next summer, I'll have to take him to the pond to see if he likes the water like the other doggies do. Izzi, you and your mom have a wonderful day. Hugs and woofs, Edna & Pogo B.

Badger Boo said...

States Park sure looks like a beautiful place, and so glad to see they are dog friendly, I hear not too many places let doggies run free over there. The beach looks a pawsome place to catch up with all your buddies. Them three wheeled hoomans looked s bit scary!

Hopes you has a pawsome weekend xxxx

The Queen Jester said...

That looks like a lovely park and you are a very lucky boy to have a good Mom that takes you on road trips.

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