Friday, December 27, 2013

Weekend Reflections

I spotted this reflection while returning from a walk with my dog ... it is my neighbor's lights reflecting off of my son's boat parked in my driveway.  It was too good to pass up :)  The boat is for sale, by the way, if anyone is in the market :)


Elephant's Child said...

How very beautiful. And yet another of the gifts that your open eyes (and heart) give us. Thank you. Again.

Sylvia K said...

What a great reflection for the day, Andrea!! It does look cold!!! Have a wonderful weekend and a very Happy New Year!!


Fun60 said...

What a great spot. With all the floods here maybe a boat would be better than a car.

'Tsuki said...

And a reflection on a boat out of water is not that commun... Very original, well done !

James said...

Excellent reflection! I love night photos!

Regarding your question, look at my photo again and you should see four people in the reflection. There are two people walking on the left side, a man in the center and me crouching on the right. I'm in the reflection but just not in focus.

Anonymous said...

You are right ~ it is a beautiful reflection shot! ~ Happy New Year to you ~ carol, ^_^

Laura said...

wonderful reflections!

Villrose said...


Viera said...

I love winter scenery with snow... great reflection supported by light...

Stewart M said...

Great picture! I think you always have to keep your eyes open for shots like this.

Our Magpies can be a bit fierce at the best of times, so I hope that the punch was not spiked!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

PS: What is the postage and handling on the boat if it gets sent to Australia!!!

Edna B said...

What a beautiful reflection shot. I would never have thought to look for something like that. Your house looks really beautiful. I love the windows. They are so different from the usual. You definitely got a lot more snow that we did. I'm not complaining, though. I really don't want much snow. I have some errands to go out for in the next few days and I really don't need any snow on the ground. The older I get, the more wimpy I get. lol. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Nancy said...

So creative and what a good eye you have Andrea! Thanks so much for stopping by and Happy New Year to you and yours! xo

EG CameraGirl said...

Good eyes, Andrea! This is a neat reflection. Hope your son sells his boat. ;)

Anonymous said...

This is very surreal.

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