Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

It wouldn't have been their plan this early in the winter, but Mom and Dad Mute Swan were forced to take their Cygnets on their first skating lesson this week.  Thursday night when we went to bed, we had a lake.  Friday morning when we got up it was an ice rink.  

This little brave soul (far left) decided to take his first steps ...

After all of that he hadn't moved more than an inch, but was probably feeling quite proud of himself ... or just confused as to what had happened to his lake :(

 Cygnet #2 says ... "Look Mom, I can turn my head without falling"  :)

And Cygnet #3 (under Dad's watchful eye) says ... "I am not budging!"

The good news is, I took my dog for a walk and when I returned they were all gone.  I took that to mean that they had not only figured out how to walk on the ice, but to take a running start so they could fly.  In nature, you learn quickly ... They have been back several times.  They still look awkward, but they clearly know what to do now.

P.S.  These photos were taken at a long distance and had to be digitally zoomed in order to show the detail so the quality is not what I would like it to be, but I think you can follow the story line.  Have a great week everybody :)


TexWisGirl said...

he's so cute with this mottled plumage.

Hootin Anni said...

Yes indeed...the story line is what really counts...
The photos aren't that bad, but I can understand the long distance and zooming in...it isn't easy to get a quality photo.

Karen said...

Oh gosh, what a surprise for them!

mick said...

A great story line! I always wondered how young birds learned to walk on ice!!

HansHB said...

Nice serie of the swan!

Unknown said...

Poor swans! The ice was not a nice surprise.

Phil Slade said...

That ice does seem early but I think (and hope not) we get our share at the weekend.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Wonderful to capture moments like this, we certainly get the idea. Pleased to hear they all seem to be making good progress.

Jeanne said...

Great shots of these birds at their skating lesson. That must be a very confusing thing for these birds... first water, and then, although it looks nearly the same, it is totally different. Hope that you had a lovely thanksgiving Andrea!

Elephant's Child said...

Oh wow. What a truly magical thing to see. And, on a very hot day here, I envy them.

eileeninmd said...

Cute story and photos! The swans are cute, I do feel sorry for them, the ice can not be good. Have a happy week!

MTWaggin said...

What a privilege to get to see them!

Wally Jones said...

That cygnet looks like I would if trying to walk on ice! Only I don't have the soft feathers to cushion my fall!

Nice series of photographs and story line!

The Queen Jester said...

Poor little confused cygnet, he's so cute. Having wings has got to help with balance though.

Edna B said...

Andrea, great series of shots. I don't get to see any swans once the winter weather sets in. Of course, I don't go to the park very often in the winter either. I often wondered how the swans managed when the ponds froze over. It's good to see that they do figure it out. I'm off now to find some mischief to get into. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Pat said...

Cute series of photos!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Nature is sure both innteresting and entertaining...very nice set!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrea. great shots to illustrate your cute story.

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