Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Wordless Wednesday


Josie Two Shoes said...

So tiny and perfect!

DrillerAA said...

Wow, that is tiny indeed.

Thanks stopping by Driller's Place. The lamps were in an antique store in Tulsa, OK and they were way out of my price range. I just thought that they made a good Wordless Wednesday subject. Happy WW.

Kelly said...

What a precious, teeny-tiny frog!!! You even captured its teeny-tiny shadow.

Brian King said...

Wow! Talk about tiny! Good grief.

Mimi N said...

That's the tiniest thing I've ever seen! Wow!

Beck Valley Books said...

What a fantastic image of pure nature!!

Kaili Williams said...

So precious!

Link up with me for Wordless Wednesday!

Catch My Words said...

Now that is cool! Thanks for the visit.


Anonymous said...

Well isn't he cute?!
McGuffy's Reader

Josie Two Shoes said...

Drop by my latest blog post, you'll find your blog mentioned there :-)

Create With Joy said...

Wow - I can't believe how tiny he is!

Thanks for sharing at Wordless Wednesday at Create With Joy! Have a fabulous week!

Create With Joy

Cas said...

That's so cute and so little:)

Visiting for WW- hope you can stop by:)


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