Thursday, June 14, 2012

Cat Thursday


Josie Two Shoes said...

Hahaha, knowing cats and their love of boxes, and seeing just that tiny hint of whiskers, one is led to believe that the star of this photo is just out of camera range! :-))

Mirjam said...

I LOVE this picture! They do love their boxes! ;)

Unknown said...

Took me a minute . . . ha! I'm guessing those are whiskers - too fun!

Anonymous said...

Okay...who is it?? Could be any of them!! Funny how they all do that, isn't it? Even old crabby Iris did. *LOL* Good picture!!

Electra said...

Ohmygosh, laughing. Still laughing!

Ida said...

What a fun photo!

Bruno Laliberté said...

Yeah, that happens... a lot!!
Since I'm a frequent customer at Amazon and sometimes eBay, to name only these, my cats just love it when the postman knocks on my door.
I always let them play with the packaging 'till recycling day.
Great pic!! So amusing!!

Miriam said...


Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Okay, who's in the box? Could that be whiskers or is that a new alien species? LOL! Great pic, Andrea!

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