Friday, June 8, 2012

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday, June 8th - 10th

This is my first venture into Photo Art Friday.  I used one of your freebe textures as the basis and added to the theme ... Youth.  I will be looking forward to input from you and your followers.  I love this kind of art, but haven't had experience in it nor have I had the time to study your wonderful lessons.  Daring but fun ...


Lisa Gordon said...

I love what you did here Andrea!
It's a beautiful composition, and I love the texture.
Sending you wishes for a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Very nice use of your talent. Glad to see you sharing it.
McGuffy's Reader

Laerte Pupo said...

Very nice composition.

Carol said...

Oh, I like this very much. I have no experience at all in this kind of art, but it does look fun and creative. Love your profile picture, Andrea.

Anonymous said...

Excellent job for not having had any experience!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Beautifully edited and composed B&W Andrea. Love this piece of photo art! So pleased you shared it with Photo Art Friday.

Ida said...

What a great start for your first entry at PAF. This is really neat. Love that smiling girl.

sunflowerkat said...

With this as your starting point in photo art, you clearly have a sense of what works. Once you take those first few steps, the sky is the limit!! Enjoy this group, it's very inspirational and you'll find yourself really stretching. Makes you wish for more hours in the day! Will be looking forward to seeing more from you in future photo art fridays!

Deborah said...

great rendering, love the addition of the texture!

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