Saturday, June 23, 2012

Six Word Saturday

                                Hot and Dry ... We need Rain!


Hilary said...

I hope you get it

Anonymous said...

Amen! I can't do a Rain Dance! Can you?? *LOL*

Josie Two Shoes said...

That's a familiar refrain here in West Texas. Water useage is tightly controlled in town and many lawns have gone brown. Our weeds our flourishing after last week's rain though! I hope we all get more rain soon, I love it and we need it!

Anonymous said...

There is an award for you on my blog:
McGuffy's Reader

Anonymous said...

I agree! My yard is starting to look like a desert.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...