Monday, June 11, 2012

Manly Monday

This will be my last Manly Monday Post ... I have decided to discontinue the meme as very little interest has been shown in it.  I may resurrect it on occasion if I have someone I want to feature, but otherwise, as of today it is gone.

Today my Manly Man is a very special person.  He has a big heart (sometimes to his own detriment) and spends most of his energy doing things for others.    .He is a hard worker, responsible, punctual and always reliable.  He has a great sense of humor and is almost always in a up mood in spite of the fact that his life has not always been an easy road.  When his construction job went because of the economy he went back to school and became a message therapist.  Boating is his favorite pass time.  He has his own boat that he completely rebuilt (the boat itself and both motors).  His best attribute is his love for his daughter.  He does his best to be a good father and to make sure she gets everything she needs,especially his love and support.  He is my "glass half full" guy.  I love and respect him ... he is my son.


Anonymous said...

Very nice post!! Great photos, too! He definitely looks like both of his parents, which is also nice!
I will miss Manly Monday. Maybe you will come up with another creative meme...or just blog!!

Josie Two Shoes said...

Ahhh, you have much reason to be proud of your son, it sounds like he is exactly what a good manly man should be, and he's setting a wonderful example for his daughter, of what to look for when her turn comes to choose!

Elephant's Child said...

How lovely - the man and your pride in him. Thank you for this profile.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

He is very special in ways I can't even explain. Thank you all for your comments, they mean a lot.

Andrea @ From the Sol

Sylvia K said...

What a fine and admirable young man your son is! I can understand why you are so proud of him! I have two that I'm very, very proud of as well! My very best wishes to him and to you all!


Electra said...

I see your granddaughter now. Handsome son and a precious lovely young woman!

Bruno Laliberté said...

You sound like a matchmaker here...
Trying to fix him up,
aren't you?!?...

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...