Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Selections

Happiness is ... a hot summer day, an agility Trial, a Granddaughter and a dog!



Brian King said...

How cool! It looks like they really enjoyed themselves! Love your pics!

Josie Two Shoes said...

Delightful... especially the seventh one where he appears to be leaping in pure joy, and the tenth which looks much like I feel at the end of most days :-)

Josie Two Shoes said...

Your granddaughter is beautiful too, and looks like she enjoys this just as much as your furkid!

Anonymous said...

Aww...that was fun. It looks like a good time was had by all!

Sue said...

What a gorgeous looking couple your granddaughter and your dog are! I love how raring to go the dog looks in that first pic :)

Agility training is so cool.

EG CameraGirl said...

Your granddaughter is a cutie and I love how she works with and plays with the dog.

Elephant's Child said...

How simply amazing. I don't know who looked like they were having more fun - or who looked like the loved the other more. Thanks.

Sylvia K said...

A lovely granddaughter, a great dog and a fun day for both! Terrific captures, Andrea!


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