Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Browsing Excursion

Come Browse With Me

I am up for a change of pace. I was invited to lunch by a friend and we went to a little town in Wisconsin that is known for it's shops. Now I am not a shopper ... I was never a fashionista and the only shopping I ever really enjoyed was gift shopping for the special people in my life. But even that has changed. Living on a fixed income makes extravagance a bad word, so I have learned to browse ... and then, this time, I browsed with my camera and found a whole new meaning to the word shopping. It was a ball and I can share it with you so you can enjoy it as well.

1 comment:

Josie Two Shoes said...

Creative and fun! Just like going on an African Photo Safari, only you went on a Shopping Safari! :-))

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