Thursday, June 7, 2012

Cat Thursday

  Elizabeth Bishop with "Minnow"

   This has to be my all time favorite "Daddy and Daughter"      Picture.  Chachi is not really "Daddy", but he thinks he is and that is what counts ...


Mirjam said...

Chachi and his adopted daughter are so cute! You wouldn't think they are not related. :)

Elephant's Child said...

Oooh. Daddy and daughter have stolen my heart.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Adorable! I once had an outside tomcat that was adopted by an orphaned kitten. The little guy followed him everywhere, even sat beside him as pottied! It was so cute and amazing how well the older cat took to being "dad". I guess the little one knew it would be smart to team up with someone who would look after him.

Lisa Gordon said...

They look just like my "Miss Kitty!"

Anonymous said...

Bob was a role model for many. Actually, Wilbur was, too.
McGuffy's Reader

Kate Campbell said...

That photo of your cats is so adorable. It looks like Cachi has a little female "mini-me".

Irene Palfy said...

So beautiful pictures! Thank you so very much for sharing them! Sorry that I am so late.. :"(

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Lovely images, both! I had a kitty named Minnow when I was in junior high. He was a tiny grey kitten and he never grew to be a big cat, but he was one of those cats that when you held him, he would just relax and hang there like he was dead! He also would walk a tightrope. We would tie a rope/cloth belt to the back of a chair and extend it to the other and he would walk across it. He was such a great cat. Ahhh, memories!

Chachi and his "son"...adorable!

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Oops, I said son when I meant "daughter"! sorry!

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