Friday, June 22, 2012

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday
You don't see nest houses often anymore.  They have been replaced by all kinds of fancy bird houses, though I honestly think that most birds would prefer the simplicity of this nest house.   I don't have anything but Photoshop Elements to work with, so I just experiment until I get something that pleases me.  I am not sure I could even tell you how I arrived at this picture ... still, I hope you can enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

I am like you, I like playing with photos adding textures, this and that, etc. until I like it and have created a "mouseterpiece". I love your "mouseterpiece", great job!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

You do great things in Elements! A wonderfully framed and deftly edited image. Thank you for sharing your work with Photo Art Friday, Andrea.

Bruno Laliberté said...

Indeed you're right. Bird houses are a common sight in Montreal also. Interesting to see this up close; there so much details in making a proper nest. Thanx 4 sharing!!

Ida said...

Very charming. What a great little "Nest House."

Anonymous said...

You do very unique creative artwork. That is what art is, a creative reflective of the one who created it. Thanks for sharing it.

Matkatar said...

Sweet nest!

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