Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Wild Bird Wednesday

The Common Mina

Well, I am told that in Australia these are considered pests much like the Starlings are here, but I have a different view of them as they don't seem to be around in our country ... or at least I have never seen one in the wild.  When I was a kid, I had friends that kept a Mina bird in a cage.  He was the talk of our classroom because he could talk.  He imitated just about everything the boy taught him.  It was awesome and I have always admired their intelligence.  So sorry all of my Aussie friends ... but this little guy and his mate were anything but pests to me :)  Besides, I saw so few birds in Thailand because they all hid in the trees ... but this fella and his girl came right up to our table at the breakfast buffet to ask for a handout ... and as you might imagine, he got one :)



eileeninmd said...

Hello, this is another bird I would love to see. I think the Mina birds are cool, great post and photos. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your week ahead!

Elephant's Child said...

They are very intelligent and adaptable birds. And thrive here - sometimes at the expense of our native birds. Which is NOT their fault.

Michelle said...

I would have given them a handout too!

Kerry said...

I have been to Australia and don't remember seeing these. They are beautiful. Then again, I also like starlings.

Adam Jones said...

What a super bird, and great pictures.

Breathtaking said...

Hello!:) Very cool images of the Mina bird. I have also heard one talking, or rather imitating the sounds he hears around him, truely impressive, and it's a great looking bird.

Anu said...

I like starlings. That Mina bird is very interesting bird.
I have never heard of it before.

NatureFootstep said...

lol. I have seen it in Honolulu and Australia. In Honolulu they were everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Like doves. And they want your food. But they are beautiful.

Edna B said...

I love your Mina birds. I've really only seen them in a pet shop. I must say that I'm enjoying your tour of Thailand. Such interesting photos. It's amazing how walls and structures built so many years ago can be still standing.

Today we are enjoying gorgeous temps and lots of sunshine. SIL Eddie and his friend came by and planted a dozen new shrubs along part of my front yard. It looks nice. I can't wait for the shrubs to grow a bit and double in size.

Tomorrow they'll be back to do more yard stuff for me. I'm lucky to have Eddie. DIL Janet will be here soon, so I need to get started cooking supper. Plus, Pogo has been hinting that he is wanting his supper too.

Give Izzi a big hug from us. You have a wonderful evening, hugs, Edna B.

Neil said...

We counted at least 30 of them the other day so I will call them a pest.

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