Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Through My Lens

Maesa Elephant Camp in Chiang Mai

They start their day by getting a bath and some rubbies from their handlers

Then it is time to perform (earn their keep, as the saying goes).
They parade around the arena ...

then demonstrate ways that they help their handlers get on and off.

Some fun with a Hula Hoop ...

Ha!  I took your hat ...

Okay, you can have it back ...

And of course, the elephants paint pictures

They hold the brush just long enough for one stroke then the handler takes it to put paint on it.  

Then they paint ...

Each Elephant painted a different picture ...

The final product :)

Trust ...

Thank you for coming ...

And, while you are here can you tip my handler?

After the show we rode through a mountain trail on the back of an elephant ...

What it looks like from up there ...

On the trail we passed where the elephants were housed ...

They were clean and well kept and had plenty of shade ...

The elephants were given food along the way, several times ...

We passed a Mother and her 12 day old baby ...

The kids were waiting for us when we got back.  It was surely and interesting experience ...

I am aware that there is a great deal of concern that the elephants that are trained are abused.  I don't  condone abuse of any kind and though I am sure it goes on, it doesn't necessarily go on in every camp.    We watched closely for signs of abuse and saw none and as tourism is the main economic endeavor in Thailand and the elephant is a major player in their culture it seems only natural that they would be part of the tourist industry.   If this offends any of you, I apologize ...



Elephant's Child said...

Thank you for setting my worried mind at rest.
Beautiful animals. Majestic and family minded.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

That was marvellous. The Elephants can really paint and the ride on the Elephant must have ben great fun. Glad they were well looked after.

The Queen Jester said...

I enjoyed this post and seeing that these elephants are well cared for. It's the stupid circus tricks I object to where fear and hunger are used as motivators for performing. They are such incredible creatures and this group looked very indulged indeed.

Jeanne said...

These really are incredible shots of this elephant camp. How amazing to draw those paintings. Hopefully, they are relatively happy and well cared for...... In Dallas Zoo, they have just "rescued" several elephants out of an area that is supposedly so draught ridden that many of the elephants are dying. Anyway, the elephant they brought to Dallas had a baby nearly as soon as she arrived. What a shock being taken away from your "family" and being brought to the zoo. Hopefully she will make new friends and that her baby will comfort here. The baby is doing fine though and is very cute

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...