Monday, May 9, 2016

Through My Lens

Chiang Mai
The city of Chiang Mai (New City)was founded  by King Mengrai in  1296.  The city was surrounded by a mote and a defensive wall since nearby Burma was a constant threat.  Much of the wall still stands as ruins throughout the city.  In 1987 archaeologists dug up the remains of what was the capital of the Lanna kingdom long before Change Mai.   Unfortunately we didn't get to visit these ruins, but they are among many things on my Bucket list for when I go back to visit Thailand and my wonderful in-laws in Chiang Doa.

Chiang Mai has so much to offer that we are only going to touch the surface.  I will do my Chiang Mai post in three different parts starting today with Part 1 ... A ride through the city ... on a TukTuk :)

Chiang Mai is about an hours drive from Chiang Doa so we headed out on this day to take the girls to the office of the Elephant Sanctuary where they finished their paperwork for their week of volunteering.  

On the way we stopped to buy our Lisu dresses for the wedding ... and while we were there we bought some Lisu pants that are the most comfortable pants ever and they look pretty cool too.

These motorbikes are everywhere ... it is one of the more prevalent modes of transportation ...

One more stop for lunch at a favorite restaurant ... they had great smoothies and really good Thai food.  You might notice that my son was already getting tired of my pointing my camera at him :)

From there we went to the shopping mall to park and catch a TukTuk to the Elephant Sanctuary Office ...

We rode through town at a rather high rate of speed making picture taking a really difficult task ...

All along the mote we saw pieces of the old defensively wall that were still standing ...

Look at the roots on this beautiful and huge tree ...

Once at the office, the girls took care of their paperwork while we pet the rescue dogs that were wondering free about the reception area.

Heading back I managed a few more snap shots ...

Once back at the Mall we did a little shopping while our bride got her nails done ... then

ended our day with a nice foot message ... sigh :)  We had planned to go to the night markets, but one among us was not feeling well, so we returned to Chiang Doa ... till our next visit :)

(also linked to ... )


Photo Cache said...

Oh what a lovely time you all had.

Worth a Thousand Words

Elephant's Child said...

Loving travelling with you.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what a fun tour. Wonderful collection of photos and memories of your visit. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your week ahead!

Mersad said...

You really captured and displayed the life and atmosphere of the city. Thank you for linking in with "Through My Lens".

Mersad Donko Photography

Taken For Granted said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful pictures of Ching Mai. We spent six months in Kunming, China as exchange faculty, and other English speaking faculty with multiple entry visas went to Ching Mai on holidays. I always wanted to see it, and I'm not disappointed. It is also where Japanese bombers were based during WW II which managed to bomb Kunming only once. They arrived on the same day as the Flying Tigers, and the Japanese lost all their bombers. They never tried that raid again. There is a bomb crater maintained as a lily pond on campus to commemorate that raid.

Villrose said...

This wall is impressive!

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...