Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday's Critters

Saturday's Critters

Don't panic, none of them are poisonous and they were all very calm around people.  This was a display at the Fish and Wildlife Expo that we just couldn't pass up ...

Sorry for the blur ... the picture was taken by a friend who wasn't used to my camera :)

Is this not a beautiful snake?

Fancy Jewelry ...

And fun was had by all ... :p

Linked also on
Camera Critters

Friday, January 30, 2015

Weekend Reflection

Scuffed by many a wet boot ...

Geometric Friday

 This was a pattern on something, I can't remember what.  But, it was black and white so I juggled it around a little and changed the color ...

Then, of course, started to play with it :)

I seem to have lost the geometrics in this one unless, of course, the heart could qualify as a geometric shape :) 

It is TGIF and I do ... :)  Have a great weekend everyone ...


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

NF Dam Digital Art Meme

water running down a screen ...

This is one of those projects that could have gone on indefinitely ... lucky for you, I had to quit :)

It's Hump Day ... Enjoy!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

Woodpeckers at my suet feeder ...

Mr. Red-bellied

Mr. Hairy ...

Mrs. Downy

On occasion, I have a Flicker, but have not been able to catch him at the feeder this year.
Have a wonderful Week and Stay warm for those of you who need to and keep cool for the rest of you:)


Monday, January 26, 2015

NatureFootstep ... Catching Light

The sunset reflecting on my neighbor's window.  I really don't know what caused the swirling effect, but I thought it was beautiful ... Like an abstract painting :)  Have a great week everyone. 


Mandarin Orange Monday

This is a bad picture of a cute horse that lives near me.  I decided to try to do something artistic with it so it wouldn't go to waste :)

Try #1 ...

Try #2

Well that is as good as it gets this round.  We have a "situation" we are dealing with here and it is hard to get my heart into being an artist today ... But couldn't miss Lori's comeback.  Happy MOM ... feels good to be able to say that again :)


Friday, January 23, 2015

Weekend Reflection

Another cloudy gray day and yet the lights seem to shine through in this reflection ... Hope there is some light in your life this week and every week ...


Feline Art Friday

Awwww ... sweet little kitty


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Good Fences

Surprise ... a Fence!
This is on an empty lot down by the channel where Izzi and I walk almost every day.  She is not allowed to go on this lot because it has always been full of sky high weeds and ticks!  Yes, ticks ... which is not a good thing.  But this day when we walked down, someone had whacked all of the weeds and to my surprise, there is a fence ... and not a bad looking fence either.  I hope this means someone is going to build on this lot.  It is a beautiful place with a wonderful view ... any interest? :)

Have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

NF DAM Digital Art Meme

Sorry to disappoint folks, but the most common item in  my kitchen is clutter!  At any given time I could take this same picture.  Medicine bottles, scoops, coffee cups, cat dish, cat food, blueberries, a selection of hand lotions, hand soap, dish cloths and one disgusted cat.  His disgust is that I am taking his picture and not putting the cat food in the cat dish.  So Kitchen Stuff it is :) Have a great day ...


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

My house guest is actually a wild bird ...just not a free wild bird.  He would fly away in a minute if he had the chance, but he wouldn't survive with the wing injury he has.  That is why he stays with us  The American Kestrel is a migrating bird ... sensibly, they head south when it gets cold.  For that reason we have to keep him inside in the winter.  But, this week it got up into the 40's which he can tolerate, so we went for a walk in the neighborhood.  It's part of what we do to add to his quality of life.   If you look closely, you can see the little smile on his face :)

Happy WBW, Everyone!


Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...