Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

Frequent Flyers in my Yard ...

Cardinal ...

House Finch ...

 Adult Red Tail Hawk (male)... He has a keen interest in our huge population of chipmunks, needless to say :)

Purple Finch ...

Red Wing Blackbird Juveniles ...

Baltimore Oriole ... (Yes they stayed and now have youngsters visiting our grape jelly :)

Crows who think they own the yard ...

 Mallard Family ... I didn't put out duck feed this year because last year things got completely out of control ... ducks, ducks, everywhere.  So when they figured out I wasn't going to feed them they all left except the one pair that come back every year.  This is the Mrs and her ten grown babies.  She is a good mother because it is rare that ten babies would survive to this stage.
Of course, this is just a sampling of the birds that come to my yard.  There are too many to do in one post so I will try to catch the others at another time.  Hope you are having a wonderful week ... Happy WBW!


Sylvia K said...

I love your colorful, happy birds and ducks! Really delightful captures for the day, Andrea! Hope your week is going well!!

TexWisGirl said...

wow! to have 10 ducklings survive to that age is amazing! especially with hawks about!

Life in the Carolina Mountains said...

wonderful bird shots. Thanks for sharing the luna moth story!

sunshine said...

Wonderful birds.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrea You have great birds that come into your garden. Very beautiful and colourful.

Elephant's Child said...

Oh my. How absolutely beautiful. Thank you.

theconstantwalker said...

A wonderful post... beautiful birds to see.

Hootin Anni said...

Cardinals are a favorite of mine!!! I enjoyed this post 'cause it's the first time for me to actually SEE a juvenile RWBlackbird. Cool.

Brian King said...

Fantastic variety! We had hawks over the winter, but I haven't seen any since spring.

eileeninmd said...

Great variety of birds. I love the oriole and the group of ducks.. Wonderful photos!

orchid0324 said...

OMG!!! You made me SO jealous that you have such birds visitors into your yard :-) What colorful and varieties of birds pictures♬♬♬ Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

PS> Thank you SO much for your thoughtful comment. I was REALLY happy to read it, Andrea.

Dianne said...

Delightful bird captures and So lovely to see that brightly coloured Cardinal. Unfortunately we don't see them in my area.

betty-NZ said...

That's quite a colorful variety of birds! You are so blessed to have them around you :)

Edna B said...

I love all your bird photos. Well, now I know what the strange new youngsters are that have been seen at our bird feeder. Baby red wing blackbirds. I've only seen the adults our here once this summer, but then I'm not watching all the time. I'm jealous! I love that oriole. It would be so nice if we had some of them here. Their coloring is just beautiful.

And those baby ducks!! Aren't they just the cutest! I love watching the antics of the ducklings at our park. Pogo loves watching them too. Actually, most everything fascinates my little guy. It's such fun to go places with him.

Well, it's time for me to get busy here and get dressed. Grandson is coming over again to help me some more. You and Izzi have a fabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.

Little Wandering Wren said...

How lucky are you to have all these visitors to your yard? I love the story of the all the Ducklings!
Wren x

marsha said...

Fantastic collection of birds in your yards. I have never heard of using grape jelly for bird food! Great momma duck there!

A Colorful World said...

Awww....the duck mother and her babies are so sweet. Glad they came back. Those blackbird juveniles are "devouring" that feeder, too! :-)

Pat said...

Wonderful! You have quite a variety of birds visiting your yard. It's great to see that large duck family.

Anonymous said...

So many beautiful birds in your yard! How wonderful the ducklings have all survived.

MTWaggin said...

You have a VERY busy yard! Mrs. Mallard must be going nuts with 10 teenagers around all at once! LOL

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Good morning Andrea and Happy Friday, Happy Weekend! What a lovely share of bird friends. They are all so wonderful, what would we ever do without the beauty of birds. I would so love to get a snap so close as you do of the Red-tailed Hawks. They are around us, actually within a mile, but they hardly ever come on our land. Take care my friend~

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