Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Our World Tuesday

Everyone knows about the taste of Chicago, which is very close to where I live, but it is too big, the parking is hard, it is hot and the crowds will smother you.  But when they had a "Taste Of" in my home town ... Now that's another matter.  My friend and I couldn't resist ... (and the Dairy Queen tent was for sure one of our stops :)

And with the Taste  ... a Carnival :)

I was always better at watching carnival rides than riding on them ... the swirling round and round didn't set well with my stomach ... if you get my gist.

Rides and games ... (the kid is cheating, but we don't care ... he's a kid:)

Prizes ... no the kid didn't win a prize.  You can't win when you cheat, right?

You see who is hanging on for dear life ... it's not the kids :)  (That would be me ... just sayin')

Behind us I spotted Froggy ...

What is happening here?

OMG ... all of my dreams of kissing a frog and meeting a prince are dashed!

Nobody enjoys a carnival more than the kids ... Don't you love it?

Okay, that's enough ...

We headed home and on our way we passed one of the gardens planted by the Ladies Garden Club ... awesome and a great way to end a fun outing ...
Hope you are having a wonderful week ...


Phil Slade said...

It looks like you enjoyed a colourful, entertaining and exciting day Andrea. I would have enjoyed one of those high rides.

Elephant's Child said...

WHAT a day! And a wonderful week to you too.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Fun shots ~ love the children on the flying swings? ~ Colorful and creative shots for OWT ~ thanks,

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Anonymous said...

What a fun day out!

Anonymous said...

Great OWT post! Town festivals can be a lot of fun for all ages.

Edna B said...

these are all great shots Andrea. I love carnivals, and it looks like you had a fabulous day there. That dragon ride looks really fun and exciting. It's not just the kids who are having all the fun. Carnivals are fun places for us big folks too. This brings back some super memories. Hubby and I went to the local fair every year and had our photo taken while we were there. Ah well, I'm off now to catch up on your other posts. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Little Wandering Wren said...

This looks a great fun day out - I love all the bright summer colours.
It's blowing a gale outside as we're in the depths of winter so i enjoyed your sunshine.
Wren x

Anonymous said...

You are like me..I would never go on the rides...but I would visit the Dairy Queen tasting tent!!
Great action shots of the kids and the rides.

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