Saturday, July 26, 2014

Camera Critters

I got here first Bud ... Bug Off!
Also linked to Saturday's Critters


eileeninmd said...

The ground hog looks huge compared to the squirrel. Great capture! Thanks for linking up to my critter party. Have a happy weekend!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, my gosh! so cute!

Anonymous said...

What a fun photo op.

Sylvia K said...

I have two squirrels on my window ledge enjoying their breakfast this morning!! Fun shot for the day, Andrea! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Unknown said...

They're adorable critters!

Elephant's Child said...

Oooh. Two critters we do not have - which brightened my day. Thank you.

sunshine said...

Funny photo, they are friends?

Jeanne said...

What a great catch on that ground hog. I don' tthink I have ever seen one of these except on groundhog day on the TV. Good shot!

Stewart M said...

Thats a great looking beast! I'd love to see one!

I've been in the UK for a month and I let the blog sit on the back burner - normal service will resume soon!

Stewart M - Melbourne

Karen said...

so cute! I love squirrels, and the groundhog is a sweetie!

Rajesh said...

Nice shot and apt description.

Edna B said...

What a fun photo! We have these critters in my yard too. Actually, I photographed one of them just this week. What is the difference between a wood chuck and a ground hog? I'll have to look them up on Google. Either way, I find them quite interesting.

I also loved your photo of the reflection on the pond. I too, would never get tired of looking at a scene like this. Such a beautiful way to start, or end, the day.

I've been so scatterbrained this past week. And to top it off, I forget my Photoshop Friday image. Now it's time to go back to work and start another week all over again. Who'd of thought that the senior years could be so busy?

I do hope that you get those insurance problems straightened out for your daughter. The government certainly does keep busy figuring out new ways to make life difficult for us!

Now it's time to rescue my laundry from the dryer and take a shower. You have a wonderful day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

great find. they must be friends surely!

Kmcblackburn said...

Holy've got a ZOO going on in your yard! :)

A Colorful World said...

Very funny! :-)

Ida said...

What a great photo. Is the larger animal a Ground Hog?

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