Friday, July 25, 2014

Feline Art Friday


Edna B said...

Oh my, this is very pretty!! I just watched a program on TV about a lady in Africa who is teaching the villagers to protect the lions, instead of killing them off. If they keep on killing them, they will be extinct pretty soon. Only about 30,000 of them left there now. So far, she's been having some very good success with her programs. I surely hope it works.

I will have to check the tide schedules to figure a day to go to the beach. There will be large crowds at the beaches all this weekend. So maybe one day during the week. We'll see.

I am getting excited for you about your upcoming trip to Switzerland. Can't wait to see photos from there. Maybe your friend can help you with wardrobe ideas? I've never been there so I'm not really sure what you might pack. I just know that you are going to have a super time!!!

Now it's time to do some laundry. Pogo sends licks and woofs to Izzi. Have a great day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

Julie said...

This is cool, Thank you for linking up Feline Art Friday, hope to see you back soon:

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