As always, I am drawn to a preening bird. They always catch my eye because there is so much activity and opportunity for a good shot. Today I am sharing a moment with a Male Mute Swan. He is enormous [ can reach lengths of over 1.5 m (60 inches) and weigh over 15 kg (33 pounds). Their wingspans can be almost 3 m (10 ft)] and he is gorgeous. If you look at the shots where his wings are spread you can see the size of the bones in his wings ... they are as big (and in some cases bigger) than the bones in a man's arm. That is their weapon. If they hit you with one of those wings, it can break bones and will at very least leave a large, painful bruise. That is why it is wise not to approach a male swan, especially if his lady is there and / or there are cygnets. I had the opportunity to care for a pair of Mute Swans on a pond at the rehab center. It took three of us to feed them ... two of us with push brooms to control him and one to run the bucket of food to the feeder. You would think, after awhile, they would get used to us and maybe even appreciate that we were feeding them ... but they are wild and they remain wild. You can't ever assume they will let their guard down. Always be safe ...
So beautiful, so inspiring ... nature is a gift to treasure :)
looks like he was creating quite a stir - and enjoying himself. :)
Wonderful images... they are beautiful birds to see..
As I said on another post, they're so regal!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Great photos and a very interesting post.
Great series of shots on the Swan!
What a beauty!
So beautiful. So powerful.
Thank you so much.
It is my understanding that geese were used like watch dogs in Europe and that a blow from their wings could break a man's leg.
(and I got mobbed by black swans yesterday - beautiful and a tad frightening as well).
They can be cranky when they want to be and very territorial during nesting season.
Power & beauty.
Hi there - great set of pictures (and words).
It looks like the Swan is having a bath and a shower all at the same time. I wonder how much time each day they have to commit to keeping the feathers in good condition.
Stewart M - Australia
Beautiful bird! Lovely color and composition.
Nice series of the swan taking a bath!
I feel a great respect for this huge birds, we see a lot of them here in Sweden too!
Greetings from Pia
I agree that swans are indeed much fun to watch, especially preening.
My goodness. Would these work with that "video" you are able to make? Just a thought. No matter, this is amazing!
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