Saturday, August 18, 2012

Six Word Saturday


Happy Birthday to my Finky Husband :)


Linda said...

Ha! "Finky" Husband!

My birthday is tomorrow!

Happy Saturday!

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

Actingbalanced said...

Happy Birthday!

Roan said...

Work, write, blog, and take pictures.

Anonymous said...

Happy happy... hope you guys do something fun!
Have a great weekend

joanne said...

Is 'finky' a compliment or insult?! Happy B'day in any case....

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

"Finky" dates back to the 60's when my girlfriend started calling my father "Dr. Fink" ... then it was Mrs. Fink (my mother) Finky daughter and, when I got married, it had to be "Finky Husband". It has servived 48 years of our marriage and will probably be on his grave stone (parish the thought). But, in short, it is an endearing nickname:)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Dave,
Happy Birthday to Dave,
Happy Birthday Finky Dave,
May this be the best year yet!
~xo~ Bill, Annie, & Cats

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Dave,
Happy Birthday to Dave,
Happy Birthday Finky Dave,
Have the very best year yet!
~xo~ Bill, Annie & Cats

Cheri said...

Happy birthday to your husband! Hope you have a fun weekend of celebration.

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