Monday, August 27, 2012

Macro Monday

House Fly
Germs, germs everywhere,
      Thousands stuck on every hair.
Swat that fly
No one will care.
Hunt that fly
You silly cat.
Swat him, eat him
Smash him flat.
But he's God's creature
Don't you know.
Treat him kindly,
Just let him go...
Are you kidding?
Aren't you aware?
He spreads diseases
 Everywhere ...
Swat that fly.
No one should care ...
                          author unknown


Brian King said...

Fantastic macro! Love the eyes!

Danielle said...

Cute poem....always conflicted feelings where flies and spiders are concerned;)....great photo of one...they are very colorful. Thank you for stopping by my place and saying hello.

Kmcblackburn said...

Oh wow..that detail is incredible. I need to look into getting myself a macro lens. The possibilities are making my head spin :)

Edna B said...

Wow! Super close up! What are you using for a lens? I want one! Hugs, Edna B.

Elephant's Child said...

Brilliant shot, brilliant poem. Thank you. I do try not to kill anything. Except perhaps mosquitoes.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - just like my rock picture, shows you can find wonder almost everywhere.

Cheers - Stewart M

PS: that's a great shot!

Abi said...

Wow, what a great macro! You show off the intricate detail of a creature so common I almost overlook him :)

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