Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wild Bird Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday (7) 
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This was an exciting day for me.  I have lived in this area for ten years and, though I have been told that the Green Heron is around, until this day I hadn't seen one ...
My friend and I took a walk in the state park and stopped by a small pool back amongst the trees and we were greeted by this handsome fellow ...

Then he moved back into the shadows ... But wait :)
There is another Green Heron Fishing further up on the edge of the pond ... two in one day.  How exciting ...
Gulp ...
Then the first one came back into the open so I finally got a clear shot ...
Icing on the cake ... we spotted a third Green Heron across the pond.   And before the day was done we had seen another on a different pond, but he flew before I could capture his picture.  What fun ...  :)


Jeanne said...

What a great find! Don't you love it that you just "happened" to have your camera with you when you came across these lovely birds. Such a treat and really nice shots that you captured.

TexWisGirl said...

how awesome for you! 2 to catch on camera - and 1 with a catch. :)

Brian King said...

Congrats! Funny how you hadn't seen any for ten years and then suddenly you see 3 or 4 in one day! Nice shots!

mick said...

Great photos of the Heron and especially nice that you got some out in the open.

Elephant's Child said...

How lovely. For you, and due to your generosity for us. Thank you.

eileeninmd said...

Great sightings, I love the Green heron. They are cool looking birds.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Very wonderful and I just shared my first share, and viewing only just last week. Fun, fun~

Anonymous said...

I love seeing them every year & feel blessed when I do. They blend in so well, but you know I'm a good spotter! Nice shots!

theconstantwalker said...

A beautiful bird to see.. fantastic that you captured one feeding.

Anni said...

wow....seeing ONE is great for me...but seeing multiple ones on the very same day is incredible. I spotted a bird near the shore of the bay here, and it looks like a baby green heron, I'm hoping that is what it is...but I need to do some further comparison research before I'm near 100% sure. Y'know?

I LOVED these images.

Unknown said...

Great sequence!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Pat said...

Four in one day! Amazing!

Edna B said...

What great shots! I've never had the opportunity to see one of these beautiful birds in person. You never know what beauty you're going to come across on a quiet walk. Thank you so much for sharing. Hugs, Edna B.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - glad you managed to get the link to work! I like herons I always things I've seen "something" once I find one!

Cheers and thanks for being involved in WBW.

Stewart M

Neil said...

Good you were able to see two in one day nice photos.

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