Container n. a thing that contains or can contain something; box, bag, crate, can, jar ...
To us a container is a utilitarian object. A place to store, keep fresh, transport or save something. But, there is another perspective ... To Diva (The Devil Child) a container is a place of mystery and surprise. A place to explore or hide in. A source of some of her greatest joys ...

I apologize ... I started keeping track of all the steps I took in making these versions and then I got confused as to which step went to which version and by the time I was finished, I didn't have a clue (This happens when you are an old poop). Suffice it to say that I used PS, PicMonkey, FotoFlexor and Be Funky somewhere in all of my pictures. On this one, I did use my own background.
Again, my own background with a little PS fix up and Foto Flexor for Limoish and framing.
In this one I used a PS background with a little tweaking then went to Be Funky for "cartoonizing" and grunge framing.
Sometimes art is strictly an accident (at least my art). I tried something on Foto Flexor that didn't work so I went back to the original picture and tried to frame it ... this is what I got. Now, I don't know if I can take credit for it, but I thought it was sort of interesting ... how about you?
I could fill pages of pictures like this of Diva ... she is forever a source of our entertainment with her container fetish ... hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful rest of August. See you all in September.
Well - this prompt was certainly perfect for you and Diva, Andrea!!! So many adorable shots! Love the bag lady ones and the second image in the post too. Looks like you had a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing with PAF.
Such wonderful images and the colors are so vibrant! The cat is adorable, indeed.
Tito Eric
You have a very curious cat! I like your editing!!
You have a very curious cat! Your editing is perfect!
I am calling by from Photo Art Friday what artistic compositions for the meme.
These are wonderful - bright and vibrant, just like your kitty's personality. :)
In answer to your question on my blog about the "Multiply" blend, I also use Photoshop Elements and it's one of the blends offered along with Soft Light, Overlay, etc. If you click on the different blend mode choices in your layers panel, you should definitely see it in there - I hope this helps!
Have a wonderful weekend~~
What a funny interpretation!
Your kitty seems to love exploring, great edits, it is hard to a favourite love them all. You asked about my choice of name i.e "Gum Nut" I am an Australian and eucalyptus trees are a part and parcel of my landscape and "gum nuts" is a term used for a certain tree that has distinctive nuts. Cheers
I love the Bag Lady. *LOL* I could identify my girls with that one!
What FUN photo art! Diva looks like she is quite a character! :)
Just brilliant. I am so impressed with what you were able to do with already amazing shots epitomising the curiosity of the cat. Thank you.
Like Diva you have plenty of curiosity and fun processing your images! I have not figured out how to remember all the steps I do in my processing either. It is so easy to get lost in experimenting. Great images and great take on the container theme. Thanks again for stopping by my place!
absotively posolutely remarkable!! such an inspiration you are!!
My, what a fabulous ham your Diva is. I just love your "Bag Lady" photos. Now if only I could get Pogo to pose for me, sighhhhhh. I know what you mean about forgetting some of the steps while making your art. I get so involved with the picture, that I forget to write down what I did. Doesn't matter, your art is wonderful. Have a great night, hugs, Edna B.
Diva isn't a ham ... she is a "pet roast". I used that picture on Cat Thursday and that was the title:) ... Your Pogo takes great pictures, but I am guessing climbing into a pot wouldn't be his forte. Thanks for the compliment Edna ... see you tomorrow.
Sorry to be late getting around to commenting.
These are awesome. I just love them all. How funny that Diva finds such interesting places to contain herself. Love the measuring cup!
Love the photos, especially the one where the cat is in the bag
Love the pics
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