Monday, August 13, 2012

Mandarin Orange Monday

lorik art


Nita Jo said...

Love these colorful photos. I've been trying to catch up on your posts. I especially loved the one with all the photos of doors! Such creative editing!

Thank you for always stopping by my blog and commenting. I'm hoping to get back to business and be more dedicated in my writing. Life just throws one too many things at us sometimes, but each day is a new opportunity to move forward. It's friends like you who really make the difference with your kind and uplifting words! Have a beautiful Monday!

Pat said...

I love the bottom shot.

Monica S Engell said...

I like the bottom shot, too! Wonderful colortones!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Love the water droplets.

Visiting from Mandarin Orange Monday (Mom). My entry is about our Anniversary Dinner, would be delighted for you to come and see.

Elephant's Child said...

Just brilliant, in every sense of the word. A canna lily?

lorik said...

Wow! What a magnificent display of orange! I like what you have done in the first one with the composition- the repeats which join up with each other are interesting. I also like the colour and texture editing in both. Very painterly! Thanks for sharing them on Mandarin Orange Monday:)

Rachel said...

These are wonderful photos! I love the way you have edited the top one.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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