Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cat Thursday


Since today is my husbands Birthday, I thought I would let him take center stage :)


EG CameraGirl said...

Hehehe! Hope your husband has a GREAT birthday!

Kaili Williams said...

So cute! All cats have such an air of royalty about them :)

Mirjam said...

A happy birthday to your husband! This is hilarious! Cats love it when we unwittingly provide them with wonderful new seats. Never mind the inconvenience to their staff!

Jeanne said...

That is a really funny shot you have captured there! Happy birthday to your husband, and tell him the next birthday he needs to give us a smile!

Elephant's Child said...

Jazz does that to me too! A big happy birthday to your husband.

Anonymous said...

I agree...this is missing Dave's wonderful smile!

Edna B said...

Gosh, Kitty looks sooooo comfy! Here's wishing your hubby a very Happy Birthday. I'm at work, so gotta run. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

Anonymous said...

haha... what a funny shot!

Carola Bartz said...

How long had he to bend over? That cat looks pretty comfortable. Might settle in for a while.

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

That is precious! Something Arya would definitely do.

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