Monday, August 20, 2012

Macro Monday

Barred Owl ... up close and personal :)


Unknown said...

Wow, this is an amazing shot, i love it!

Elephant's Child said...

How incredible. How did you get up close and personal with this amazing bird?

Stewart M said...

Thats a great shot. Being able to get this close to an owl would have been great.

Cheers - Stewart M

Nancy said...

Wow -- amazing macro. Well done.

Brian King said...

That is awesome! Great reflection in the eye and the feather detail is fantastic!

Edna B said...

Oh, wow! How did you ever get such a great up close shot? And look at the marvelous reflection in the eye! Great job!

I also like your orange lily. I think these are so beautiful, and they are so easy to grow.

Have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Carola Bartz said...

The only thing I can say is WOW. Fantastic!!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Many wonder how you get this close to an owl and in the wild, you don't (and shouldn't). But, I remind you that I have worked with raptors in Rehab and this owl is on glove ... She is wonderful, but still wild so I always tried to respect her space ... in this case I used a zoom so I wouldn't disturb her. Thanks for your comments and your interest.


Anonymous said...

Great shot!

Kaili Williams said...

Absolutely beautiful shot! Breathtaking :)

Abi said...

Wow, I have never seen an owl eye up close like this- and I love every detail!

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