Sunday, August 5, 2012

Shadow Shot Sunday 2

Fire Ring

When there are no leaves to burn, the shadows reign ...


Sherri B. said...

What lovely photos...I want to thank you for your very kind comment on my blog. Are you a poet also? I ask because you express yourself in a very poetic way. Thanks again so much - have a wonderful evening, Andrea!

Edna B said...

These shadows are wonderful. What an unusual item. I've only seen this pattern on lampshades. Hmmm, I do need to give shadows a photo thought. Hugs, Edna B.

Brian King said...

Great shadows! Very clever!

Elephant's Child said...

Your photos are always a joy. Thank you.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

My goodness, it almost looks like a crown!

Day’s End Shadows

Gemma Wiseman said...

A fascinating piece of art and love the extra dimension created by the shadow!

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