Saturday, August 18, 2012

Shadow Shot Sunday

This is an ornament on the side of a house.  It didn't seem to serve any purpose except to provide me with a beautiful shadow.   It is a beautiful decoration ...


Sylvia K said...

Happy Weekend, Andrea! I love your shadow shot for the day and it is a lovely decoration indeed! Thanks as always for stopping by and commenting! Enjoy!!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautiful, defined shadow cast by this ornament! A lovely, artistic feature on the wall!

Elephant's Child said...

Beauty is a purpose in itself. And I love this shot. Thank you.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Work of art!

Shadow shot
Your comment is always a treat for me!
Have a blessed weekend.

Brian King said...

Fantastic shadow and good eye!

Lighthousegal said...

It did make a wonderful shadow. Wonder what it was placed there for, since it doesn't seem to be flush with the wall one is left to believe it once held something. Interesting!

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