Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday's Best

Calla Lily
The calla lilies(Zantedeschia aethiopica ... common names, Calla lily, Arum lily, Varkoor, an Afrikaans name meaning pig's ear);   grows from bulbs, or rather rhizomes, and will therefore, as most other bulbs, spread by producing even more bulbs. These bulbs can be dug up, and replanted in another location. The calla lily is a very hardy and strong genus that will grow in more or less any soil as long as it the climate is humid enough. In many of the countries from where the calla lily originates it is thought of as a weed and is ferociously cut down to make way for agriculture. The calla lily can also be propagated through its seeds but it takes a little more finesse than to just dig up those extra bulbs.  



Carola Bartz said...

I'm not a big calla "fan", but these photos could change my mind!

Brian King said...

Gorgeous! I love the last one with the water drops! Awesome shot!

Elephant's Child said...

Love these photos. Thank you. We have yellow, white, orange and green calla lilies. I think I like the green ones best - but they are all beautiful.

lorik said...

Stunning series - I really like the compositions and the colour and detail are fantastic.

Rosemary Aubut said...

These are very pretty! love the composition and color! Well done!

Kaili Williams said...

Gorgeous shots as always! I love the last one :)

Nancy said...

What a luscious shade of yellow! This is beautiful Andrea. Thank you so much for sharing at Your Sunday Best this week.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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