Monday, April 18, 2016

Through My Lens

Chiang Rai

The White Temple
Wat at Rong Khun

The White Temple was designed and built by the famous Thai Artist Ajarn Chalermchai Kositpipat.  It is built in Chiang Rai, his birthplace and now his home.  He gained his fame and wealth because he was embraced by the Thai people. He wanted to build the most beautiful temple to show the glory of modern Thai Buddhist Art and as a gift to the people of Thailand.  It is a life long project which he expects to take 90 years and will be finished by a team of architects, painters, designers and a committee who will continue his work, even after his death.  The temple is open to all people and it is 

His temple is different from the Golden Temples of Thailand.  He believes that gold is suitable for people who lust for evil deeds.  He uses white because the Lord Buddha represents purity.  The small mirrors throughout the building is a symbol of The Lord Buddha's wisdom that shines throughout the universe.  

 His wish is to build a heavenly garden for all people of all religions to enter into and feel happiness and peace.  Not without controversy, he states that the eyes of the demons at the entrance of the temple are the eyes of George Bush and Bin Laden.  He says "I want the world to know that our world is being destroyed by those who craved to build weapons that kill, thereby ruining the environment because nothing is ever enough.  They segregate and therefore cannot find peace.  I saw the violence and it hurts me and mankind to observe the killing of the innocence by these two powerful individuals.  I want to show  that eyes, as important organs,  should look at each other with kindness and not with hate that can lead to war."

He portrays the demons and the evil people at the entrance of the Temple so that people will feel , as they leave the temple, that they leave the demons behind and have rid themselves of evil spirits.

It is difficult to capture the detail in his work ... white on white doesn't show up well, but I have included these two close ups in hopes of your being able to get some idea of it.

 This "tree" and several other areas have individual fobs hanging from them representing people who have donated to the various charities represented in the temples throughout Thailand.

Ahhh ... another beautiful fence :)

The campus surrounding the Temple contain many beautiful buildings that serve many purposes, including art galleries for the art work of Ajarn Chalermchai Kositpipat.

These are the golden bathrooms which are also free ... why gold?  I don't know ...

Ultraman is meant to remind people that there are really no heroes in our world
Don't you love Mint's hat?  :)

Ajarn Chalermchai Kositpipat and ... my son :)

My son is wearing the Lisu pants that both the men and women wear.  Men can wear colors (his are dark blue with a pattern you can't see in the picture) and the women wear black.  I came home with several pair ... they are so comfortable and cool .  Sure beats jeans when it is warm :) 



Sherrie said...

Beautiful and breath taking. Thanks for sharing your trip. Thanks also for stopping by my place. Have a great day!

Elephant's Child said...

What an amazing concept and place.
I would love to see it at sunrise or sunset too.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a fascinating place anf a very ornate temple.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful -- your pictures do show the detail wonderfully. I love the idea of leaving evils and troubles behind and emerging good and pure.

A Colorful World said...

That is stunning! Such a fascinating, beautiful project, honoring a people and their faith! It looks like an incredible ice castle! I loved it! Surprised I hadn't heard of it before.

Edna B said...

First, I meant to comment on your hubbie's collection. It is fabulous!! Wow, I just loved all these wonderful photos of the temple. The detailed artwork is simply awesome!

I now have the newer version of Comcast Xfinity installed, and oh my I get so confused trying to figure it out. I imagine I will get used to it in time. But gosh, at my age I don't really like huge changes. Ah well, that's life I suppose.

It's time to make some lunch before Pogo and I get ready to head over to daughter Deanne's house. Some of the great grandchildren will be there and I'm looking forward to spending some time with them.

Pogo says to give Izzi a big hug and lick. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Ida said...

Oh my gosh this was truly Amazing and Beautiful. What intricate work. Thank you so much for sharing.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, that´s a white place. :)
You have a beautiful family.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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