Monday, April 25, 2016

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I was going to use this last week for the  Collection prompt, but when I read this weeks list,  I decided to save it for now ... it is all glass, Cambridge Glass, Depression glass and two elephant pie birds in the front(which are actually pottery) in a glass display case :)


There are some things in life that you have to rely on luck for. Having an awesome neighbor is one of them and I really got lucky.  My neighbor's husband built the bird houses and she painted them.  The two on the right she gave me for my birthday.  Note the little owl on the front ... she knows me like a book :)  Homemade Birthday present bird houses ... it doesn't get any better :)

This Open mouth is not a rare sight at my house.  Chachi is a talker.  He speaks up about every little feeling he has and most vociferously about "It's time to eat!"

My City
A view of the Chicago skyline from the steps of the Field Museum.  This city is beautiful no matter what angle you photograph it from.  

The Entrance to the Chicago Field Museum is impressive by itself, but currently, with the Herb Alpert famed Spirit Totems (eight black bronze sculptures) on display ... it is doubly impressive :)

1 comment:

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I amglad you joined in this week and I love all that glassware although i think those painted bird house are so pretty. You arelucky you have been given two and I can imagine your cat never stops talking!! Andrea, can you leave your link to this post on Askleys SHS site so that others can see it and Ashley can see our posts. She is having trouble with loading her photos this week and so far has not given us any words for next week.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...