Sunday, April 17, 2016

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Most of my pictures are outside pictures so I looked for something that would say "outside" as it's meaning ... Here Izzi, who usually prefers outside, is anxious to go in because she will get her Greeny bone after this outing :)

My husband worked for Sinclair Research when we were first married and started collecting Oil Company Memorabilia. Over the years he has gathered quite a collection ... sadly we will be looking to sell them soon as, at our age, we need to be finding them homes where they will be appreciated (the kids aren't interested :) when we are gone.

I had to go into the archives for this one ... There aren't many "tinies" around this time of year.  If you look closely, the cats are fixated on a tiny Lady Bug :)

Yes, it is back to Izzi again.  She has a magnificent coat of hair and thankfully she hardly sheds.  Her undercoat has to be combed out of her. 

My son whipped up a mean Pad Thai ... my mouth waters just looking at the pictures.  Of course there aren't any leftovers, but it still makes me hungry :)



Tamar SB said...

Mm, now I'm craving Thai food!
Your dog is gorgeous, that coat is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Pad Thai - I love to eat it at a Thai restaurant, but now you shared your hubby making it, would you please consider sharing the recipe? This looks like the healthy version! Great job for the Scavenger hunt - Your dog does have a great coat of hair:) Have a great week ahead!

Elephant's Child said...

Love Izzi. And the cats eying off small things is sooo familiar.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I will ask if there is a recipe ... but I am guessing it is a little of this and a little of that kind of recipe. He did say that you have to buy the fresh noodles, fresh vegitables and that it is important to get the right sauce ... that's a start. If I find out more, I will let you know :)


aspiritofsimplicity said...

mmm....does your son do house calls? ;)

abrianna said...

Pretty pooch and love the kitties! I think once the flytrap gets big enough they would leave it alone. Even when little it does have tiny spikes so the cats may leave it alone. Blessing asked me what would happen if the kitten got her paw or mouth hurt by it and I replied that she would learn not to do it anymore, wouldn't she? When she was smaller I would be more concerned but now she is big enough so it would not be as big of a problem if she did get pricked by the plant.

Anonymous said...

Izzi is beautiful! Love that collection.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

You dog is gorgeous and good ooks goodimages for those 2 prompts and the food looks good. Love the shots of the intensity of the 2 cats looking at the bug. Hope you pop on to see my takes on the words and see you next week.

Stewart M said...

I suspect your son may have had some very good hints and tips on Pad Thai - I remember eating that every other day for about six weeks at one time. That was a long time I ago, when I was young and restless (and in Thailand!)

I do like the cats checking out the bug.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

PS: WBW 200 will be on May 25th.

Edna B said...

I love your scavenger photos. Izzi, of course, is beautiful. What a handsome coat of fur/hair she has. Now I'm off to read your next post. Have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

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