Wednesday, April 6, 2016

NF Trees and Bushes

A Banana Tree ... sadly this tree was in somebody else's yard so we couldn't help ourselves :)



Elephant's Child said...

That is quite a hand of bananas...

Little Wandering Wren said...

That would be pretty cool to have bananas in the yard :) Mind you in exciting breaking news, we have olives on our olive tree this year which we thought was exotic!
Have a lovely weekend Andrea
Wren x

NatureFootstep said...

a banana tree :) Looks so very beautiful in the sun light.
If I am not all wrong I think it is not a tree, I think it is a herb.
Nice shot :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful tree ..l we do occasionally see them in yards here in Florida, but what I most remember is seeing them grow on our first trip to the Caribbean. We lived in Oregon back then and were pretty much untraveled. I was in awe of the big banana tree in our hotel yard (among many other things ).

Anonymous said...

Love the bananas!

Sophie said...

It seems like somebody paint bananas in green. In the supermarket near home they are yellow :) Wonderful colors!

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