Tuesday, April 12, 2016

NF Trees and Bushes

A row of budding Willow trees ... But, 
I think the big old tortured Oak stole the show :)



Edna B said...

I am catching up on your posts, and oh my!! What gorgeous photos!! Gosh, it must have been so very difficult to leave all of this behind when you came home. No wonder you can't wait to go back.

I thought your "reflection" photo was quite interesting. I probably never would have thought of this.

Today it is raining and cloudy. But, the rest of the week should be looking pretty nice. I hope so because Pogo and I are wanting to get outdoors for a bit. Getting a nice little deck and porch might become a reality this Spring if I can just get past the wicked price tag. I did not realize there was so much involved just to get a little porch.

The mail just came, so I'd best get out there and pick up all the packages that I saw being set on the porch. You and Izzi have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Poor old oak! Pruning is a tricky thing.
Such a beautiful green in the other trees.
Lovely to meet you and to visit your interesting blog. :)
See you soon!

Elephant's Child said...

Willow trees new leaves are an incredible green. Will the tortured oak come back, or was the torture terminal?

NatureFootstep said...

I agree with you. The oak seem to have had better days :)

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