Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

I heard the Chic-burr in the woods behind me so I walked over to see what I could see and before me was a pair of Scarlet Tanagers ...

And suddenly he was jumping upon her (while my camera decides to focus on a nearby branch) ...

Now, blurry or not ... am I wrong, did he miss his mark?

Unless Tanagers do it from the side, I don't think he is doing well ..

And neither did she :)
This was all happening very quickly and I was never able to get my focus because my camera (who is headed for the garbage soon if this keeps up) was fixated on a branch.  But, I couldn't stop shooting because I would have missed it all ... Oh well, I think, for an old poop, I come up with some really good excuses for a failed attempt.  Hope you were able to see enough to enjoy ... Happy WBW!


TexWisGirl said...

oh, lucky sighting! i'd love to see a tanager!

Elephant's Child said...

Oh my. And one of the other blogs I follow also featured tanagers today. Hopefully this link will take you to his magic.

eileeninmd said...

Great timing and captures. I love these pretty birds. Great post, thanks for sharing.

FAB said...

An interesting sighting Andrea. With all those interfering branches you might have to try 'manual' focus.

Brian King said...

They're beautiful birds and I haven't seen one in a long, long time!

Karen said...

Haha, too bad he didn't manage to do the job. He does look marvellous in his mating colours though.

A Colorful World said...

Oh the woes of the camera focusing on the wrong thing! We had a lot of that while we were at Madera Canyon, then we discovered we could change the shutter speed on the camera, and now it's doing MUCH better. Had to get a faster shutter speed. What a fortunate moment though to witness this...my grandson and I were lucky enough to see two doves mating several years ago. It turned into a "learning"moment. :-)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrea Great find and yes it worth worth seeing even blurry shots of the action.

Carole M. said...

it always seems to happen when you have the most fascinating bird out there, that camera misbehaves. What a treat to see these colourful birds though..

Unknown said...

Gorgeous birds! I love those bright colours.

Edna B said...

Blurry or not, you got some great shots. I don't think I've ever seen a tanager. They are really beautiful birds. I'm having trouble learning how to get this smaller camera to focus on things like birds in trees. It keeps wanting to focus on a branch. Guess I'll have to start using my DSLR again. At least with that, I can focus manually.

We have finally got the rain here for today and most likely tomorrow. The lawns will appreciate it I'm sure. Well, it's time for me to pack up my things and head home soon. I'm still at work. You and Izzi have a wonderful day. Hugs, Edna B.

Veronica Roth said...

Beautiful birds. OMG now I want to paint one. :)

Unknown said...

Great sequence!! Boom Bobbi and Gary.

Ida said...

Well my goodness he does appear to need a little help there. He's such a brilliant red color and then she's yellow, that's different. My camera sometimes does that, focuses on something other then what I want it too. It's frustrating to say the least.

Anonymous said...

I love them. They are beautiful. I saw Bluebirds in Massachussetts, and also a Red Shouldered Hawk. I love the critters! My camera is trying to die, too.

Pat said...

So colorful!

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