Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday # 64

This morning I have a beautiful little blue male Parakeet to share with you ... he arrived at my feeder about a week ago and has been around several times since.  He seems to be hanging with a group of Sparrows that also frequent my feeders.  As pretty as he is, I am not glad to see him.  This means he has escaped from someones home (or sadly was released by someone).  He is delighted with his freedom, but he is not equipped to tolerate our winter month which will soon be here.  I have contacted an Avian Rescue in Wisconsin and they have told me things I can do to lure him into a cage ... but, it will be up to him.  He will have to save himself if he is to survive.  This weighs heavy on my heart ... but I am going to keep a positive attitude and keep trying as long as he is around.  Wish me luck ...



Dave said...

Indeed, good luck. At least for time being it looks healthy so you have a chance.

Karen said...

Aw, poor little fellow. He is so sweet. Good luck getting him into a cage.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, poor baby! you're right - winter, he'd not make it.

mick said...

Great photos. It looks like someone's pet Budgerigar. I hope you can lure it into a cage and keep it safe.

Unknown said...

Poor little thing! I've had one just like him. I hope you can catch him.

Carole M. said...

oh yes, I would definately feel as you do over this budgie'. If you can pick up an old cage and set it up nearby with the door open, you may find he goes in there and settles. He may even hop onto your hand with food...?

eileeninmd said...

He is a pretty bird, I do hope you are able to catch him. Good luck!

NatureFootstep said...

hm, that´s a different kind of problem. I really hope it will turn out for the best. Whatever that will be. Beautiful shots.

Elephant's Child said...

It is a budgerigar. And we had flocks of them at one of our homes - much, much better than cage living. I hope you arre sucessful in luring him to safety.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Oh this may turn out to be wonderful, or so very heart breaking. I hope that maybe you can also find someone that can help in this process..maybe one who rehabs and relases injured birds, would have a way to help in the capture efforts too. OR maybe some kind of food that Parakeets adore, that the other birds may not...set up next to your feeder and then ready to close...

Wally Jones said...

Best of luck in rescuing this pretty parakeet!

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwwww, it's so handsome and colorful!!! Sweet.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Lovely shots of the buggie and I hope you will be able to catch him

Anonymous said...

With your bird rehab past & friends, I hope you catch him and give him a home. This is disturbing.

Edna B said...

Oh my, such a little beauty. I do hope you are successful in luring him into a safe place. How about placing his favorite foods in a large cage, then close the door when he is in? Oh gosh, I do hope he makes it to safety. Andrea, if anyone can do it, I have faith in you. There must be lots of locals that can help too. I wish you much luck. Your photos are beautiful. I'm hoping that he is an escapee, and not abandoned. Have a good day, hugs, Edna B.

Brian King said...

Wow! That's a bird I've never seen at the feeders! I imagine it would be difficult for him to survive in the wild.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - I saw some of these - budgerigars - in the wild a couple of months ago, splendid little birds. I have spent two weeks in Ohio in the winter, and if your weather is anything like that I dont think the bird will make it!

Cheers (and thanks for the very nice comments) - Stewart M - Melbourne

PS: sorry for slow reply - I have been out of phone / internet range for most of the week - rather nice if the truth be told!

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