Take A Word Challenge - Blue
I focused on the blueness of my little Mini Blue Merle Aussi ... Isabeau
My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...
wow what a lovely blue picture!
Groetjes Karin
This is such a lovely blue piece, so beautifully made.
Beautiful blue altered photo.
So arty! And very well done too!
Your picture made me smile! I love dogs.
What a cute name, and what a beautiful portrait!!
And there is nothing emotionally blue about that happy dog. Gorgeous - and thank you.
Andrea, this is gorgeous!!! You've captured Izzi's happy personality and that blue is gorgeous. This would look good framed and hung on the wall. Nice edit. I hope by now, your hand is beginning to work a bit better and the healing is coming along nicely. I would be in such a mess if one of my hands was out of commission even for just a week. Now it's time for me to raid the fridge for some goodies for lunch. Pogo is crawling all over me trying to get me moving. lol. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
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