Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday # 66 
I see this handsome fella all of the time ... in fact I see them so often that I had seemingly ceased to see them.  I am not sure why this little one caught my attention in the Walmart parking lot ... perhaps it was because he saw me first and was a bit weary of my close proximity.

He is a Common Ring Billed Gull
Maybe it was because it was a bright sunshiny day, but suddenly I realized how beautiful (though common) these gulls are.  The whitest white, the blackest black, The soft gray, the deeply penetrating eye ... the ring on the bill. 

Then it struck me that if he is so common it is only because he is a successful survivor ... he beats the odds which is no easy task, as nature can be very cruel.

So I take my hat off to this little common Ring Billed Gull ... I will pay more attention to him in the future because he is certainly deserving of some applause!

Have a Wonderful WBW ...


theconstantwalker said...

I love these images.. it's a beautiful little gull.

TexWisGirl said...

he is VERY handsome. striking markings and subtle shades of gray.

glad you liked my roadrunners. :)

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots of the bird.

Sylvia K said...

A handsome fellow he is indeed!! These are really terrific captures, Andrea!! Thanks for sharing! Hope your week is off to a great start! Enjoy!

Edna B said...

I love your photos, and I especially love the gulls. They are so wiling to pose for photos, and they are really quite graceful, not to mention quite interesting to watch. I always try to stop and photograph these beautiful birds whenever I get the chance.

Now that my files are back in my laptop where they belong, I'm a much happier camper. And yes, I made sure that everything was backed up last night before going to bed. I was a real crazy old lady yesterday. Hopefully, I'll be able to hang on to my pc files better this time.

I'm off to make something to eat. You have a fabulous day. Woofs to Izzi from Pogo.

mick said...

Great photos and a beautiful gull. It is not a gull we see down here in Australia so I would love to have some photos of one!

Unknown said...

A beautiful gull. I think gulls are very interesting birds.

Elephant's Child said...

I have a soft spot for gulls - and all of the survivors. Gorgeous photos - thank you.

Dave said...

A smart Gull, nicely presented too

Jocee said...

A great looking bird. Nice post.

eileeninmd said...

He is handsome, beautiful shots!

Karen said...

I think gulls are quite handsome! Nice close ups!

Stewart M said...

Gulls are some of my favourite birds - you can almost see them everywhere. And they are a perfect example of looking good without be gaudy.

Flu bug seems to have gone - but no real sign of my appetite coming back, which is good for the waist line at least.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Our photos said...

Beautiful bird photos!
Greetings, RW & SK

Adam Jones said...

Superb images. I'd love to see one in person.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrea It is indeed a beautiful Gull and Certainly a Ringed Gull or a Common Gull is not all that common nowadays were I live. Thanks for sharing.

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